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Anti Ragging Cell

There is Zero Tolerance for ragging in the college. Any student found participating in any form of ragging, within college premises or outside, offline or online, shall on conviction be punished with a fine and a prison sentence as per the directives of the Supreme Court of India. The Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC) in college is formed as per the UGC rules. The primary objective of the ARC is to make sure no student is harmed physically or psychologically and to ensure sensitivity by all students towards everyone in the institution.

Members of the committee regularly go on rounds to classrooms and observe the behavior of students. They are accessible for feedback from teachers, students and any others who have observed ragging in any form.  The committee will take severe disciplinary action against those found guilty.

There is also a Suggestion Box placed in the college lobby that students can use to make complaints. Alternately, students are free to approach committee members or any teacher they are comfortable with. There is also a provision to submit complaints online through the college website. Discretion of the committee is assured in delicate matters. Students on their part are advised to not complain about trivial issues else it will lead to strict action being taken.

The complaints received will be completely confidential and not used against them by the committee.

Following behaviour can be considered as ragging

  • Compel other student to copy notes for someone.
  • Compel other student to do other work.
  • Compel student to do menial jobs for seniors.
  • Speak or behave vulgar.
  • Consume alcohol or smoke in college.
  • Behaviour which may cause physical or mental harm.

Punishments at the Institution Level

The punishment for ragging will depend on the natuure of the ragging episode. The following may be the action taken.

  • Suspend from attending classes till an enquiry is done.
  • Withhold or Cancel any scholarships or aids given to the student.
  • Prohibit from appearing for a test or exam or evaluation.
  • Withhold results.
  • Prevent from representing the college in inter-collegiate events.
  • Fine for rragging.

Any kind of ragging activity happening on the campus should be informed immediately to the Supervisor. Such incidents will be treated with zero tolerance In case of an any queries, Please write to [email protected]

Anti-ragging Complaint form

    Name of the Aggrieved*:

    Class / Designation:

    Contact Details:

    Grievance(Describe in detail)*:

    Signature of the Aggrieved* :

    Date :

    Signature of Principal & Stamp :

    Date of the receipt of grievance :

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